Mon 20 May 2024 | 8:30 pm - 10:30 pm
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The tribute band Abborn in a live, grandiose and bouncy pop show with the best timeless hits of the Abba band and in a unique and spectacular collaboration with the Chamber Opera Orchestra

After over 5,000 performances in more than 100 cities around the world, with the authentic costumes of the legendary band and choreography that is an exact replica of ABBA’s golden age, they come to lift the morale in Israel in 2 unforgettable shows with the biggest hits, such as:
Dancing queen, Knowing me knowing you, Waterloo, Mama Mia, Gimme Gimme Gimme, Money money money, Chiquitita, Fernando
and many more.
The band Abborn is one of a handful of performing bands protected by a performance license from the original Abba band.
Abba Symphonic A live and accurate show and closest to the original, with special arrangements for band and symphony orchestra, an exciting and happy show that will make fans of the legendary band embrace nostalgic memories of a more innocent time.

讻专讟讬住讬诐 讻讗谉:

诇讛拽转 讛诪讞讜讜讛 Abborn 讘诪讜驻注 驻讜驻 讞讬, 讙专谞讚讬讜讝讬 讜诪拽驻讬抓 注诐 诪讬讟讘 讛诇讛讬讟讬诐 讛谞爪讞讬讬诐 砖诇 诇讛拽转 讗讘讘讗 讜讘砖讬转讜祝 驻注讜诇讛 讬讬讞讜讚讬 讜诪专讛讬讘 注诐 转讝诪讜专转 讛讗讜驻专讛 讛拽讗诪专讬转

讗讞专讬 诪注诇 诇-5,000 讛讜驻注讜转 讘讬讜转专 诪-100 注专讬诐 讘专讞讘讬 讛注讜诇诐, 注诐 讛转诇讘讜砖讜转 讛讗讜转谞讟讬讜转 砖诇 讛诇讛拽讛 讛讗讙讚讬转 讜讻讜专讬讗讜讙专驻讬讛 砖讛讬讗 讛注转拽 诪讚讜讬拽 砖诇 转讜专 讛讝讛讘 砖诇 ABBA, 讛诐 讘讗讬诐 诇讛专讬诐 讗转 讛诪讜专诇 讘讬砖专讗诇 讘2 诪讜驻注讬诐 讘诇转讬 谞砖讻讞讬诐 注诐 讛诇讛讬讟讬诐 讛讻讬 讙讚讜诇讬诐, 讻讙讜谉:
Dancing queen, Knowing me knowing you, Waterloo, Mama Mia, Gimme Gimme Gimme, Money money money, Chiquitita, Fernando
讜注讜讚 专讘讬诐.
诇讛拽转 Abborn 讛讬讗 讗讞转 诪拽讜诪抓 诇讛拽讜转 诪讘爪注讜转 讛诪讜讙谞讜转 讘专讬砖讬讜谉 讘讬爪讜注 诪诇讛拽转 讗讘讘讗 讛诪拽讜专讬转.
Abba Symphonic 诪讜驻注 讞讬 讜诪讚讜讬拽 讜讛讻讬 拽专讜讘 诇诪拽讜专, 讘注讬讘讜讚讬诐 诪讬讜讞讚讬诐 诇诇讛拽讛 讜转讝诪讜专转 住讬诪驻讜谞讬转, 诪讜驻注 诪诇讛讬讘 讜砖诪讞 砖讬讙专讜诐 诇诪注专讬爪讬 讛诇讛拽讛 讛讗讙讚讬转 诇讛转专驻拽 讘讝讬讻专讜谞讜转 谞讜住讟诇讙讬讬诐 诇转拽讜驻讛 转诪讬诪讛 讬讜转专.
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